วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Team Fortress 2: Moments with Heavy - Heavy Has Its Christmas

Here's a nice, short and sweet for my follow-created Gmod Series Moments with heavy. In this episode, the team decides on an early Christmas Blue have. While everyone else is his way of heavy house, Scout team decides what to eat during the party, with heavy and his new license (a reference to the last episode) Wal-Mart and purchase of units. He wanted the Scout food? Watch and find out! *** Win Giving a message to my friend FOLDINGCHAIR /: I hope you enjoyPigeons. *** And I forgot to think that some voice-Rips (was) such a discourse of the doves of True Crime: New York set was added. I know it's 2 weeks before, but Merry Christmas to all! 3

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